All Odisha Rank: 29 (NABET Quality Council of India Ranking)
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AICTE EoA Application ID (23-24): 1-36529294623
SCTEVT affiliation no (23-24):SCTE-23-RA-2747
Life Member of ISTE (The Indian Society for Technical Education). Life Member No. LM141425
Journal Publications
Tripathy P.K., Samantara T., Mishra J. & Panda S. [2022], “Mixed convective radiative heat transfer in a particle-laden boundary layer fluid over an exponentially stretching permeable surface”, AIP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 2435, Article No. 020030, pp: 020030-1 – 020030-11.
Tripathy P.K., Das A.K. & Mishra S.K. [2019], “Mathematical model of turbulent boundary layer (TBL) flow characteristics with suspended particulate matter(SPM)”, American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, Vol. 1, pp:29-39.
Tripathy P.K., Samantara T.N. & Mishra S.K. [2016], “Two-phase laminar wall jet flow with electrification of particles”, International journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Vol. 42, Issue 9, pp: 478-482.
Bishoyi S.S., Tripathy P.K., Mishra S.K. & Dash D.K. [2016], “Perturbation solution of compressible two-phase jet flow and heat transfer”, American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, Vol. 2, Issue 16, pp: 185-190.
Tripathy P.K., Mishra S.K. & Chamkha A.J. [2016], “Simulation of particle diffusion and heat transfer in a turbulent boundary layer using Eulerian – Eulerian approach”, Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp:169-187.
Tripathy P.K., Mishra A., Mishra S.K. & Prakesh J. [2014], “Two phase boundary layer flow and heat transfer using non-uniform grid”, Mathematical Sciences(Applied Mathematics), Vol. 76, pp:28367-28380.
Panda S., Tripathy P.K., Misra A. & Mishra S.K. [2014], “Mixed convection heat transfer of a particulate suspension”, IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp: 15-22.
Mishra S.K. & Tripathy P.K. [2013], “Numerical investigation of free and forced convection Two-phase flow over a wedge” Mechanics and Thermics (AMSE), Vol. 82, No. 1, pp: 92-103.
Tripathy P.K., Sahu A.R. & Mishra S.K. [2013], “Numerical simulation of forced convection two-phase flow over a adiabatic plate”, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp: 1154-1159.
Tripathy P.K. & Mishra S.K.[2013], “Approximate solution of two phase thermal boundary layer flow”, IRACST- Engineering & Technology-An International Journal(ESTIJ), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp: 1-7.
Tripathy P.K., Sahu A.R. & Mishra S.K. [2012], “Numerical modeling of two phase flow with transverse force”, Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. 38M, No. 4, pp :675-686.
Tripathy P.K. & Mishra S.K. [2012], “Two-phase thermal boundary layer flow”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 8, pp: 1-10.
Tripathy P.K., Bishoyi S.S. & Mishra S.K. [2012], “Numerical investigation of two-phase flow over a wedge”, International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp: 45-62.
Bishoyi S.S., Tripathy P.K. & Mishra S.K. [2012], “Two-phase free convection flow and heat transfer from a vertical flat plate”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp: 1-9.
Mishra S.K. & Tripathy P.K. [2011], “Mathematical and Numerical modeling of two phase flow and heat transfer using non-uniform grid”, Far East journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp: 107-126.
Mishra S.K. & Tripathy P.K. [2011], “Approximate solution of two phase thermal boundary layer flow”, Reflections des ERA, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp: 113-148.
Patent Publication
Misra A., Mishra S.K., Tripathy P.K. & Rao D.N. [2015], “Enhancement of thermal conductivity through best nano particle and liquid pairing”, Patent application Publication, India. Publication date. 05-06-2015.
Book Chapter
Bishoyi S.S. & Tripathy P.K. [2021], “Numerical simulation of circular two-phase jet flows and heat transfer”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, AI in Manufacturing and Green Technology: Methods and Applications, Chapter 7, pp: 67-81.