All Odisha Rank: 29 (NABET Quality Council of India Ranking) (Click here to know the rank of the Polytechnics in Odisha)
AICTE EoA Application ID (23-24): 1-36529294623
SCTEVT affiliation no (23-24):SCTE-23-RA-2747

46 Years of Excellence

Last modified: March 20, 2025

Department of Civil Engineering

Head of the Department: MANAS RANJAN PRADHAN

Designation Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Qualification M.Tech
Contact No 9439431670
Department Overview:

Civil Engineering deals with planning, designing, construction, operation and maintenance of various structures like building, bridges, towers, dams, roads, retaining walls, canals, etc. The Civil Engineering Department at Utkal Gourav Madhusudan Institute of Technology, Rayagada started functioning since 2001 with intake capacity of 40 students. It aims to provide students for developing solutions of major sustainability challenges of our society. The dept. offers strong foundation in the morals and applications of Civil Engineering, with the assistance of qualified & experienced faculties.
It has well equipped labs with following units-

  1. Material testing & Concrete lab
  2. Transportation lab
  3. Soil testing lab
  4. Survey lab and Civil Engg. model room
  5. CADD lab
  6. Construction Workshop Practice
  7. Public Health (PH) Engg. lab
  8. Hydraulics lab
Time Table for 2023-24 (Summer)

Course Outcomes (COs):
  1. Course Outcome for 1st Semester Courses
  2. Course Outcome for 2nd Semester Courses
  3. Course Outcome for 3rd Semester Courses
  4. Course Outcome for 4th Semester Courses
  5. Course Outcome for 5th Semester Courses
  6. Course Outcome for 6th Semester Courses
Course Outcomes-Program Outcome/Program Specific Outcome (CO-PO/PSO) Mapping:

Click here to get the CO-PO/PSO Mapping

To establish Civil Engineering Department as the center of excellence in Education, research and technology at state and national level.

  • M1: To offer diploma in Civil Engineering and other skill development courses that sharpen and add values to the student competencies.
  • M2: To provide quality education and to imbibe real life problem solving skills in students related to Civil Engineering.
  • M3: To encourage students to pursue higher studies, to appear various competitive examinations and other career enhancement courses.
  • M4: To improve department - industries collaboration through various internship and training programs.
  • M5: To make the department as a knowledge hub not only in academic but also in every sphere to tackle emerging challenges related to Civil Engineering.
  • M6: To aware students about construction related environmental hazards and motivate them to do projects, research activities in laboratories to minimize the hazards and contribute their part to society.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
  • PEO1: Make students conceptually strong and skilled professionals in civil engineering discipline.
  • PEO2: Engage students in lifelong learning and prepare them for meeting the growing demands of industry.
  • PEO3: Contribute to society through creative ideas, innovative designs and products useful to mankind.
  • PEO4: Engage in entrepreneurial activities and be a successful entrepreneur in life.
  • PEO5: Prepare students for various state level and national level competitive exams to enable them to create a position for self in highly competitive current era.
  • PEO6: Inculcate students with essential values and norms to make them a responsible and good citizen in society.

Program Outcomes (POs):
  • PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
  • PO3: Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
  • PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
  • PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
  • PO6: Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
  • PO7: Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):
  • PSO1: Possess ability in analyze and design problems related to Civil Engineering by applying knowledge of mathematics ,physics, chemistry and engineering science.
  • PSO2: Proficiency in conducting Civil Engg. related experiments and analyze / interpret data.

Laboratories of Civil Engineering

[gallery size="medium" link="file" ids="3391,3392,3393,3394,3395,3396,3397"]

Civil Engineering Student Association

Question Bank of Civil Engineering

Sl. no Title Download
1 Th.4b- Disaster Management
2 TH 3: Advance Construction Techniques and Equipment
3 TH 2: Construction management
5 Disaster Management
6 Construction Management
7 Water Supply & Waste Water Engg-VST
8 Structural Design-II VST
9 Structural Design-II
10 Railway & Bridge Engg-VST
11 Railway & Bridge Engg
12 Estimation-II
13 Estimation & Cost Evaluation -II VST
14 Entrepreneurship & ST -VST
15 Structural Design-I
17 Hydraulics and Irrigation Engg
19 Th-4:Highway Engg
20 Th-3:Surveying-I
21 Th-2:Hydraulics and Irrigation engg
22 Th-1:Structural Design-I
23 Structural Mechanics VST
24 Geotechnical Engg VST
25 Building Material & Construction Technology
26 Estimation and Costing -I VST
27 Environmental Studies VST
28 Th1_CET601_ConstructionManagement_Old Syllabus
29 TH4_DisasterManagement_New Syllabus
30 TH3_AdvanceConstructionTechniquesAndEquipements_New Syllabus
31 TH2_ConstructionManagement_New Syllabus
32 TH1_LandSurvey-II_New Syllabus
33 TH4_HighwayEngineering_New Syllabus
34 TH3_LandSurvey-I_New Syllabus
35 TH2_HydraulicandIrrigationEngineering_New Syllabus
36 TH1_StructuralDesign-I_New Syllabus
37 Environmental Studies

Video Lectures of Civil Engineering

Sl. no Title Video (Click on the ICON to watch)
1 Department YouTube Channel
2 Design of connections, sub:- design of steel structure (SD-2)
3 Analysis and Design of Column, SD-1,4 SEM Civil
4 Engineering Drawing Diagonal Scale by Chinmaya Maharana
5 Estimating 2 Steel Calculation for Slab Culvert by Chinmaya Maharana
6 Estimating 2 Drainage Syphon by Chinmaya Maharana

Lab Manuals of Civil Engineering

Sl. no Title Download
1 3rd Sem Civil Engg Drawing I.
2 3rd Sem Estimation Pr-I Lab Manual
3 4th Sem Civil Engg Drawing-II
4 Lab manuals for 3rd to 6th Semester

Time Tables of Civil Engineering

Sl. no Title Download
1 Time-table for 4th Semester and 6th Semester- 2024 (Summer)
2 Time-table for 4th Semester and 6th Semester- 2023 (Summer)
3 Time-table for 4th Semester and 6th Semester- 2022 (Summer)
4 Time-table for 3rd Semester and 5th Semester- 2023 (Winter)
5 Time-table for 3rd Semester and 5th Semester- 2022 (Winter)
6 Time-table for 3rd Semester and 5th Semester - 2021 (Winter)

Teacher-Student Mentorship of Civil Engineering

Sl. no Title Download
1 Mentor list, 3rd and 5th Semester 2022 (Winter)
2 Mentor list, 4th and 6th Semester 2023 (Summer)
3 Mentor list, 3rd and 5th Semester 2023 (Winter)
4 Mentor list, 4th and 6th Semester 2024 (Summer)

Projects of Civil Engineering

Workshops and Seminars of Civil Engineering

Faculties of Civil Engineering

Designation : Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Qualification : M.Tech
Contact No : 9439431670
E-mail :
Designation : Lab Assistant in Civil Engineering
Qualification : Diploma
Contact No : 9040281430
E-mail :
Designation : Guest faculty (Contractual) in Civil Engineering
Qualification : M.Tech
Contact No : 9438022470
E-mail :
Designation : Guest faculty (Contractual) in Civil in Civil Engineering
Qualification : B. Tech
Contact No : 9438236644
E-mail :
Name : RANJAN MISHRA (2023-24)
Designation : Guest faculty (Contractual) in Civil in Civil Engineering
Qualification : B. Tech
Contact No : 7008695381
E-mail :
Name : Subhashree Dash (2023-24)
Designation : Guest faculty (Contractual) in Civil Engineering
Qualification : B. Tech
Contact No : 6370545677

Faculty wise Lesson Plans of Civil Engineering

Name of the Faculty: CHINMAYA MAHARANA

Sl. no Title Download
1 PR3(a): Engineering Graphics

Name of the Faculty: PREMANJAN PADHI

Sl. no Title Download
1 TH4b: Engg. Mechanics
2 PR4B-ENGG Mechanics Lab - 1ST SEM - 2024 W

Name of the Faculty: RANJAN MISHRA (2023-24)

Sl. no Title Download
1 PR3(a): Engineering Graphics

Name of the Faculty: Subhashree Dash (2023-24)

Sl. no Title Download

Faculty wise Lecture Notes of Civil Engineering

Name of the Faculty: MANAS RANJAN PRADHAN

Sl. no Title Download
1 Disaster Management by Manas Ranjan Pradhan
2 Construction Management By Manas Ranjan Pradhan
3 Structural Design - II by Manas Ranjan Pradhan
4 EMST by Manas Ranjan Pradhan
5 Structural Desgin - 1 By Manas Ranjan Pradahan
6 Structural Mechanics By Manas Ranjan Pradhan
7 Environmental Science By Manas Ranjan Pradhan

Name of the Faculty: CHINMAYA MAHARANA

Sl. no Title Download
1 ACTE by Chinmay Maharana
2 Railway & Bridge Engineering by Chinmay Maharana
3 EC - 2 by Chinmay Maharana
4 Land Surveying-I
5 Land Survey - 1 By Chinmay Maharana
6 Hydraulic & Irrigation Engineering
7 Engg. Mechanics

Faculty wise Video Lectures of Civil Engineering

Name of the Faculty: CHINMAYA MAHARANA

Sl. no Title Download
1 Engineering Drawing Diagonal Scale by Chinmaya Maharana
2 Estimating 2 Steel Calculation for Slab Culvert by Chinmaya Maharana
3 Estimating 2 Drainage Syphon by Chinmaya Maharana

Staffs of Civil Engineering