All Odisha Rank: 29 (NABET Quality Council of India Ranking) (Click here to know the rank of the Polytechnics in Odisha)
AICTE EoA Application ID (23-24): 1-36529294623
SCTEVT affiliation no (23-24):SCTE-23-RA-2747

46 Years of Excellence

Last modified: January 12, 2025

Walk-in Interview for Guest faculty. (Advt. No. 1467 dtd. 07-08-2024)

U.G.M.I.T., RAYAGADA invites applications for engagement of Guest Faculties (GF) in different disciplines for the Academic session 2024-25, as per the following schedule. Interested candidates having minimum requisite qualification may attend the Walk in interview for the following branches and subjects on dt. 21-08-2024 and 22-08-2024.