All Odisha Rank: 29 (NABET Quality Council of India Ranking) (Click here to know the rank of the Polytechnics in Odisha)
AICTE EoA Application ID (23-24): 1-36529294623
SCTEVT affiliation no (23-24):SCTE-23-RA-2747

46 Years of Excellence


Last modified: May 26, 2022

The Central Library is well equipped with modem facilities and resources (print and electronic) in the forms of CDROMs, DVD-ROM, online databases, micro-documents, video cassettes, books, journals, theses, reports, etc. The library has a valuable collection of about 9445 volumes of both text and reference books. About 20 numbers of Journal/ Magazines are being subscribed. The E-Library cum Riding Room of UGMIT is well furnished , equipped with 20 No of Computer with internet connection.

Central Library sets the goal of establishing a world class library by integrating information sources and services across disciplines in one umbrella by building a sound and comprehensive collection of both conventional and electronic resources on all branches of knowledge with a robust hi-tech infrastructural facilities and to redesign and revamp the systems and services in efficient, effective , and dynamic ways tailoring to meet the myriad information needs of students, research scholars and faculty members of the university pin-pointedly, exhaustively and expeditiously anywhere on campus for the sake of promoting academic excellence.

Staff Details


Stock Details
  1. Total number of books available – 9445
  2. Total number of Newspapers/Journals- 20